Peel & Heal Studio

Your mess is welcome here.

Peel & Heal Studio is proud to have grown from a teeny sticker shop to a business that now provides multifaceted education, weekly inspiration, tactical planning tools, and totally transparent content...all designed to be accessible. All from a real human. All without judgment. And all without the hefty price tag of mega-wellness-influencers or fancy retreats.

There's nothing worse than that "new kid" feeling, right?

Take a deep breath.
I've created a quick-start guide that'll get you caught up in no time
(because sorry, dad, no one ever reads the FULL instruction manual)

First off, I've been there. I've felt stuck. I've struggled. Over years of therapy and hard work, I can now confidently say that I love who I am! I'm actively working towards achieving dreams that I NEVER thought were possible, despite the health obstacles life has thrown at me.


My mission with Peel & Heal Studio is to share my personal experiences and the tools that helped me reclaim my life. I believe that self-care education shouldn't be an unfamiliar basement you need the skeleton key of crisis to unlock. Put simply, catastrophe should not be ANYONE'S prerequisite to begin healing. Much of the resources and support I share through my business are aimed at helping YOU get friendly with self-care so you don't ever have to start from rock bottom. Knowing how to help yourself through life's plot twists is the most empowering and practical skillset in the world. Everyone deserves access to that knowledge.

Here are your first steps

to get the absolute MOST out of what Peel & Heal Studio has to offer:

1. Get on our email list.

I know, I know -- signing up for *another* email to flood your inbox might seem unappealing. Trust me, I'm no stranger to that feeling. But before you say "NOPE", let me assure you that Peel & Heal's newsletters are never daily, annoying, spammy garbage. Pinky promise.

2. Mark your planner.

Peel & Heal Studio is proud to offer a variety of monthly events and promos. Whether you're in search of a sitewide sale or live video content on the ins & outs of self-care, I try to fit in as much value as possible (still leaving "me time" of course). Jot down the schedule & join us!

3. Join us on Facebook.

I'm lucky as a small biz owner to have landed in the hands of THE BEST customers. While I can provide info and artsy tools, nothing replaces good ol' fashioned human support from peers who are also rewriting their definition of success (just like you and me!!), come say hi.

What our community thrives on:

Mental Health Matters

We believe in prioritizing mental health alongside the more tangible physical health habits we learned as kids. We understand that personal wellness requires BOTH mental & physical health. So we're working to redefine success as a meeting point of productivity & self-preservation.

It's Okay to NOT be Okay

Peel & Heal Studio was built on a belief that transparency fuels connection. When we can safely share our truths without shame, we cultivate inclusive, empathetic, and accessible spaces for all. Life ain't easy... but your plot-twists are welcome here.

Going to Therapy is Cool

While many of our products are crafted from personal experience, Peel & Heal is never a substitute for seeking professional help. We love supporting you, but our content cannot replace personalized medical care or therapeutic intervention. Be cool: find a pro team.

Do What Makes You Happy

We know success AND health aren't linear, one-size-fits-all goals. We respect that as individuals, our bodies, dreams, abilities, finances, cultural norms, fears, triggers, and remedies will vary greatly. There's no "right" path to happy. In diversity, we find hope.

Pull up a chair! We're all human here.

Peel & Heal's Progress Posse

If you haven't seen the little links here and there, I'll tell ya flat-out: Peel & Heal Studio has an amazing Facebook group. And no, I'm not just tootin' my own horn. What makes it so great? The COMMUNITY that has formed! You'll find an inspiring group of folks in there, all of who are interested in learning to accept their realities (the good, the bad, the ugly) AND who are invested in cheering others on along this bumpy journey. Who knows, your future bestie might be waiting to meet you in there! Join Peel & Heal Studio's Progress Posse today & I'll see ya there!

Subscribe to self-care!

Peel & Heal emails include updates like shop promotions and new products, but ALSO handy-dandy resources & tips to help you stick to self-care.