Peel & Heal's recommended reading on a variety of wellness topics


Let's start with the basics of books in MY world... JOURNALS!

Journal Queen hand drawn art from Peel & Heal Studio

If you haven't seen the entire Peel & Heal product section dedicated to journaling, head on over to investigate. Journaling was a HUGE part of my success and stability in recovery, so I urge everyone to find a method of journaling that works for THEM!

And yes, even if you're not a huge fan of writing...or rarely have time to jot down more than a CAN still have a functional, productive journal. How?! 🎉Gratitude journaling!🎉 By simply taking a moment to write down ONE thing you're grateful for each day, you can begin rewiring your mindset to one of strength, thankfulness, and optimism (keys to tackling any of life's hurdles if ya ask me!). Check out the gorgeous options over at Promptly Journals -- you guys will LOVE their chic vibe. Looking for more color? Erin Condren has ya covered. Need more suggestions? Just send over an email, friend! I've got ya covered!


Find your relevant category below, and follow the links to Peel & Heal Studio's Healing Toolbox, Haley's Amazon storefront where all of our recommended books are collected and organized for your convenience!
Anxiety Disorders  
Eating Disorders
Chronic Illness
Emotional Intelligence
Female Leadership
Home / Organization
Trauma / PTSD
Meditation / Mindfulness
Body Image / Confidence

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